Moon god forgotten realms pantheon
Moon god forgotten realms pantheon

This essence tore a part of Shar’s essence away as well to form the goddess Mystryl (who became the goddess of magic).

moon god forgotten realms pantheon

In desperation, Selune plucked a portion of her essence and threw it into Shar. They battled with one another with Shar trying to prevent the warmth of the sun in order to destroy the life it had fostered. This brought warmth and promoted life, but also brought Shar’s wrath as well as grave injuries to Selune. Selune disagreed though and plucked the essence from a fiery plane to create the Sun. To promote life, they needed warmth, but Shar did not want to do this. But they disagreed when it came to bringing inhabitants to the planets. It was them that created the planets of the universe as well as the goddess Chauntea who brought life to the planets. Shar and Selune were twins, but were so much aligned that they viewed themselves as 2 aspects of the same person. Like her sister, Shar, Selune was created by Ao when the universe was still in its infancy and before life had been created. Generally though, she is viewed as being a calm, measured and compassionate deity who demands little of her followers but is prepared to give much of herself. She is also capable of intense bouts of sadness for past events or of being cold and merciless towards her enemies. She can be exciting and vivacious or melancholy and subdued.

moon god forgotten realms pantheon moon god forgotten realms pantheon

While essentially a being of goodness, Selune has an ever-changing mood and nature much like the waxing and waning of the moon. Her appearance is ever-changing (as the moon), always ageing but remaining ageless. Typically, when she appears before mortals though, she takes on the appearance of a middle-aged, plump woman with greying hair. Often, she appears as a slender, beautiful woman of silver hair, at others, a young child with dark eyes and dark hair. Selune’s appearance changes over time and during different circumstances. Moon, Stars, Lycanthropes, Purity, Love, Beauty, Marriage, Dreams, Autumn Our Lady of Silver, The Moonmaiden, The Night White Lady, She Who guides

Moon god forgotten realms pantheon